Friday, January 14, 2011

This fool here!!!!

It has been a mighty long time since the Unsavory Charlatans have made an appearance, however too much is happening now to look away. What in THE world was "this fool here" thinking when he had AN ICE CREAM CONE tattooed on his face!

I don't care what anyone says, not even his MOTHER loves this mess. On top of the fact that his name is "Gucci Mane" - for this act of pure stupidity, you sir are.....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Religious Zealots

The unsavory charlatans are spiritual people. We don't attend service every week, but we do believe there is a higher power and His hand has a reach in our daily lives - for better or for worse. However, when we hear IDIOTS like Rush Limbaugh and and Pat Robertson spew the utter ridiculousness that came out of their mouths on Wednesday regarding Haiti - it gives us pause and reaffirms that not everyone or everything that proclaims to be Christian acts in Christ like ways!

Limbaugh said -"keep your wallet closed, because, 'We've already donated to Haiti. It's called the U.S. income tax."

I want to know at what point in their Wednesday morning prayers did these two thing it was a good idea to share "this view" with the world. Mr. Limbaugh and Mr. Robertson - you two are BEYOND unsavory.

While no official count has been issued, it is estimated that tens of thousands have lost their lives. Many more are unaccounted for, including Unsavory Charlatan #1's choir director's mother. How a tragedy such as this, can be used for political and gain of fame is beyond me.

Thankfully, no one else from the crew from the LOL - Likes of Limbaugh have issued absurd statements but time will only tell.

The Unsavory Charlatans have contributed to Wylclef Jean's Yele Foundation to assist with the effort and hope that you have too.

Monday, May 18, 2009

And These People Have Real Jobs Part 3...

-----Original Message-----

Subject: Donut Sale!!!


Great day XXXXXXXX:

We are taking advantage of every opportunity that present itself to continue building the Team. On Sunday, May 24, 2009 (yes Memorial Day weekend) we are requesting volunteers to help us sale donuts. The times we have schedule is 7:45am and 11:45am services.

Feel free to come and worship with them during their services as well. Please let me know if you are available to support the TEAM!!!



And These People Have Real Jobs Part 2....


Can you all say Fundraiser? Yes, that right Fundraiser!!! Effective as of yesterday we have launched out to build the Track Team by selling the Brax Spirit Cups with all 32 NFL and 30 MLB teams along with 70 Colleges and 5 Military designs. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of something growing there’s a time to build up and a time to tear down and we are going to build up for the Kingdom of GOD!!!

If you have not gotten your order form or forms, please don’t hesitate to see me at track practice. Thanking you in advance for your support in making this Fundraiser (Why is fundraiser always capitalized!?!?) a SUCCESS!!!


And These People Have Real Jobs.....



Due to the weather we had not been able to fully practice as much as we should. However, today seem to be a pretty good day to get back on the ball so there will be practice “TODAY” WEDENSDAY, MAY 6, 2009 AT 6:00PM – UNTIL 8:00PM!!! I would like to stress per my conversation with Coach Gunter that this season we will be competing with some strong and determine to win teams. And my all means we have that same determination but, we want you to encourage your Star Athletes that practice makes perfect and perfect leads to perfection. In saying all that the qualifiers will be coming up soon and we don’t want NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND!!!(ALL time favorite line!) Our motto will be “PUMP” as Pam would say which means in my terminology

P = Push
U = Until
M = Master
P = Perfection

Thanks for your cooperation and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Coaches or Board Members. Have a Productive Day!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Octomom Costume Kit

HILARIOUS! I am concerned about Ernie lurking in the background...he looks like a pervert!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Facebook Funnies!

1. Pot, please meet kettle!
A) why I have to deal wit a less then inteligent baby momma. Sorry but I calls it how I see it!?

2. What is this word?
B) is a smidget overwhelmed...just a smidget! whew...

3. Seriously?
C) Is reading Steve Harvey's best-seller...and learning soo much...we women really have no

4. Why?
D) Is out and about, holla if you need tickets for NC Fashion Week!