See, here's the deal. If you say it out of your mouth or do it in public, it becomes FAIR GAME for Tales of the Unsavory!!!!! Where in the hell is Chris Rock when you need him!
Sometimes, people do some of the dumbest things. Okay, Friday night one of the Unsavory Charlatans went on a date. First one in a very long time, she figured since this was someone she had known since her college days, an upstanding citizen, public education official with respectable credentials - this should be a nice evening right!!! Well it was.............. until about 2 hours into the evening. I guess I should also mention that the young fellow was an hour and a half late for said date! Anyway, moving along, there they were coasting along in said gentleman's sea craft, cruising down the Potomas River with some chilled champagne and delectable crab legs. She decided to stand and take a look at their view from the vessels and he decides to stand up behind her, a nice little snuggle in the brisk air. All of a sudden! she hears a noise that sounds suspiciously like his belt buckle being undone. Turns around only to see his PANTS DROP TO HIS FEET! I mean really, sir!!!!! After telling him off with a few choice four-letter words, she left him with this final statement before she demanded to be taken back to her car! There will be no sex in the champagne room tonight!!!
Sir, for being a pure nasty jack ass on the first date, on National HIV awareness day and on the middle of a boat in the dirty, filth ridden Potomac - YOU ARE UNSAVORY!!!!
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